This is an ES6 function that primarily takes other functions as argument and also returns a function.
This branch of ES6 javascript employs the principle of functional programming (a process of building software composing of pure functions ).
Sample case
we are going write a compose function that takes in two other functions as arguments.
function1 (myName)
const myName = (info) => {
return `My name is Ikeji chukwunonso, ${info}`;
The above piece of code takes in an argument and returns a string concatenated with the parameter.
###function2 (myJob)
const myJob = (job) => {
return `I am a ${job}`;
same as the initial function, this also returns a string.
Compose function
const compose = (fn1,fn2) => {
//return function that will take an argument
return (arg) => {
//call function2 with that argument
const result = fn2(arg);
//return function1
return fn1(result);
Here our compose function takes in two parameters (myName, myJob), it returns a block of function:
return (arg) => {
const result = fn2(arg);
return fn1(result);
This returned function first calls function2 taken the
argument, whatever it returns is used in function1, what ever function1 now returns, is returned by our function.
const aboutMe = compose(myName,myJob);
Here we have called the compose function
and the function returned, is assigned to aboutMe
thus making aboutMe
a function.
This is same as saying
const aboutMe = (arg) => {
const result = fn2(arg);
return fn1(result);
Finally we invoke the function by saying
aboutMe('Software developer');
The above return a string
My name is Ikeji chukwunonso, I am a Software developer
twitter: @techy_lad Github: techyNonso Reference: frontendmasters